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dddavids Ghost Cams 18 LIVE Webcams, A Blog of detailed experiences, and a Vlog of corroborating evidence of Spirits, Ghost, Entities, Poltergeist, all things from the other side. A Real Haunted House Live on the Web
"The past is never where you think you left it."-- Katherine Anne Porter


The following are events that I have found out which are associated with the house,
it's former occupants, and/or it's history affecting the house.

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The ghost are real.
The people who lived here were also real at one time,
and I am doing my best to find out who they were, and
what their lives were like, and if it is they who visit the
house. This is the purpose of the 18 Live webcams
(Ghost Cams) set up in a 100+ year old Victorian house.
I will add more info as I find it.
*Families who have owned the house.
That I have found, so far.

* Pre 1890 ?
* 18??-1874: Robert S. Reed and Elizabeth A. Reed
* 1874-1919: Conrad and Maria Ambrosius
Children were: Infant Ambrosius, Anna Ambrosius,
John A Ambrosius, William A Ambrosius,
Gustav A Ambrosius,
George Ambrosius, Theodore Ambrosius,
Clara Ambrosius, Louise Ambrosius, Beth Bertha Ambrosius.
* 1919-1949: Mr. And Mrs. William Lepp, Sr.
Children were: Walter Lepp, Elmer Lepp, William Lepp Jr.,
Harry C. Lepp, Mrs. Jesse A. Wilson, Mrs. Eugene Albert
* 1949-1954: Tech Sgt. Jos. Shields
* 1954-1956: Fred Ernst
* 1956-1960: Leon DeCrevel, Leon Chemotti
* 1960-1964: ?
* 1964-1973: Albert A. Giovando
* 1974-?: Earl Munford
* 1974-?: Ray and Lois Lane: rental property
* ?-2004: Brad and Joan Farnworth: rental property
* 2004- :Me
From the Newspapers:

* 1892-1894 Conrad A Ambrosius served in the House of Representatives
* April 5, 1918: The Robert Paul Prager Lynching
April 5, 1918.
NOTE: City Hall was 1/2 block away, and within
full view of my house, which at that time had
another German family living here.READ HERE
* 1908: Waldemar Kalbfleisch (born circa 1880) married Louisa Ambrosius, daughter of Conrad Adams Ambrosius and Maria A. "Mary" nee Schmidt/Ambrosius, on 28 January 1908 at the home of the bride's parents.
* 1919: Maria Ambrosins to Dale Votik, lot In sub. blk 22, B. W. Collins and Others add, $850.
* Maria Ambrosius to Wm. Lepp lot' 3 blk 28, $3,500.
* Marie Ambrosius - to Geo. Rekolt, lot 10 In sub of w pt blk 22, B. W.. Collins Others add, $1,650.
* Conrad A. Ambrosius heirs to Maria Ambrosius lots [In this town] $1
* Thursday, June 10,1926: The Seniors of the High School held their annual class day at the school and the following program was given: Greetings by Harry Lepp; Reading, Dorothy Bullock; Piano Solo, Martha Pclclftis; Class History, Victor Kattllus; Reading, Lena Fornero; Presentation Cbf gift to the school, Harry Lepp; Presentation of benches, Wm. ! Ross; Class Will, Elolse Herbst; class prophecy, Arthur Vogt, Walter Gronau, Hunter Look, Louis Welle and Leslie Page.
Also in this paper:

* Wm. Lepp of this city has been elected president of tho Junior Advertising Club.
* 1942: Pvt. Harry C. Lepp (1908-1942)Killed by train
near Littlemore, Oxford, England READ HERE, and read about his brother Walter and how he first came to me HERE
* October 8 1949 Public Sale Household furniture and effects of William Lepp, deceased, Saturday, October 8* starting at I p. m. [at this house]. All household furniture and effects of William Lepp deceased, including household furniture, kitchen equipment and utensils and household effects. Many items are old and desirable as antiques. \ Terms of sale: Cash. Signed, Wm. F. J. Lepp JOSEPH BARNETT, Auctioneer
* 1959 MissPantet Living [In this town]. Miss Florence A. Pantet of 'Alhambm is making her home With ft cousin [at this house] after spending more than a year jn local hospitals, Her address is now [at this house]. She was hospitalized for treatment of broken bones.

I will be adding more information to this section of the "History of the House", and those people who have occupied it as I find it.